We hit it today while it was only on it's second day of hte sale. Everything on clearance was an extra 50% off! Here's what we got with $35 and change.
1 black dress for Lyshie
1 twizzlers shirt for lyshie
1 blue shirt with a bird on it for me
1 black shirt with a bird on it for me
1 purple long sleeved shirt for lyshie
1 pink collared shirt for lyshie
1 sleeveless pink summer shirt for lyshie
1 winter coat for Joshua
2 stainless steel water bottles for the boys - don't like the picture so well but they were under $2!
2 pairs of flip flops for Jon
1 hooded sweatshirt for Jon
1 pair pj pants for me
1 flag shirt for Matt
1 green shirt with crazy floral print for me
1 sleeveless shirt for Jon for the summer
1 pair brown boots for me!!!
2 pairs flip flops for Lyshie for summer
What do you think about that? To my knowledge this sale is still going on through Monday. Get it while you can!