While I'm waiting for the last coat of white paint to dry on Lyshies dresser, I'm going to start a new project. I'm going to take her old desk which is in the picture here, nix the hutch on the top and paint it a glossy black for in the den. We are going to paint the den a darker sage green and have cherry bookcases and a desk in there for us adults. We're taking out my sewing area and moving in a bigger desk for the kids imac we got for an amazing price of $25.00. Anyway, we're super excited about it and I'm going to head out right now to exchange a can of white paint I didn't use for a can of black.
We've taken off the funky gold trim and handles to replace them with new ones. Probably something like a brushed nickel. Can't wait! See you all very soon. Picture's for Lyshies dresser should be up and ready in about 2 days!