I have been shampoo free for almost a month (a few days shy). My first response "ew gross!". However, the more I thought about it, the more it makes sense. We condition our hair to need to replenish it's oil with frequent washings. I had already gotten my hair to the point where I only needed to shampoo 2 days per week to keep the oils down. Any other time I was in the shower I would just rinse well to loosen any dirt. Well, this is just one step above that. Check out the links below. This is for all - yes all hair types. It's not only better for your health but super cheap!
This is now October 2018. I just came across this post and so remember doing this. I went to a salon and they said the build-up on my hair was terrible as well as on my scalp. My hair also went pretty limp. But this wasn't a total bust. I try to go 2-3 days without washing my hair. It's a great compromise and now my hair is healthy, shiny and there's no build-up. I rotate between a few shampoo/conditioner combinations.
This is now October 2018. I just came across this post and so remember doing this. I went to a salon and they said the build-up on my hair was terrible as well as on my scalp. My hair also went pretty limp. But this wasn't a total bust. I try to go 2-3 days without washing my hair. It's a great compromise and now my hair is healthy, shiny and there's no build-up. I rotate between a few shampoo/conditioner combinations.
I only shampoo/condition my hair two times a week, but that is because I need the oils in my hair.
I'll have a look at your links!
Much love,
My hair has never been so healthy.