I finally got out the aerobic ball I got very inexpensive at a Thanksgiving sale at Meijer at least 3 years ago. Still new in the box, I figured now was the time to get it out. I'm now a few days shy from 31 weeks in my pregnancy and would love to use the ball this time in labor. Matt was sweet enough to blow it up for me and wow! I can't say enough . I didn't want to get off of it and I'm not even in labor yet. I'm thinking I should get a second one so I can have one in my room and in the living room at all times. Below are some links that explain how to use and the benefits of using a "birthing ball". Make sure you purchase an exercise/aerobic/birthing ball in your appropriate size:)
Here's a great article on the basics of using a birthing ball.
Here is a lovely video that shows how to use the birthing ball.
I just love learning new ways that may be helpful during labor. The last time around I knew about these balls, however, I had so much to learn just simply going "natural" that I did not take the time to get out or use my ball. This time around I'm hoping for an even better experience. The last time was great, this time will be awesome!