I'm making out my daughters scholastic plan for the next 6 years. Crazy...maybe! Anyway, this coming year she will be entering 7th grade - 7th grade! I was trying to remember what I took in school during 7th grade. One of those classes was health/sex ed. I remember what sex-ed class was like While my parents taught me abstinence, the school was teaching something else as well as exposing us to many contraceptives as well as a lifestyle contradictive to what my parents were trying to teach at home. I heard this from the class and students much more because that's the environment I was in. My goal here is to still be vigilant on teaching my children health education/sex education from a biblical perspective. Coming into puberty is something that we are going to celebrate in this family. It means that our son/daughter is making the shift into adulthood. We want our children to be prepared for what's coming. For instance, after r...