After having testing done...testing that was inaccurate due to not enough saliva, we had to do more testing. This testing was a 24 hour urine collection and a blood test. I was able to stay on everything I've been taking and we measured it that way. The results. My TSH was .01 (very low) My Free T3 was normal My Free T4 was in the low range of normal. My cortisol was high - we're trying to figure out why. Maybe from taking the Nature-Throid when my body wasn't ready for it or a lab error. My b vitamins, vitamin d and magnesium were all GREAT when tested. I was supposed to go in for a bone density test the other day. That would determine if cortisone is messing up my tsh levels. Unfortunately, the office didn't have power so we'll have to reschedule. In the meantime I finally did the iodine patch test my doctor said I could do awhile back. I did it and as you saw from the results in a previous post, it disappeared quickly meaning I'm def...