What a fun day. We've decided to take a day off and clean, clean, clean. We've been cleaning out like crazy! If we haven't used it for at least a year, it's going. That of course does not count baby items that we'll need soon. Not too long ago I ordered my sons birthday gift from amazon. Along with it I purchased the Cedarmont Kids Action Bible Songs Cd. We got the shipment today and opened up the cd right away. We've been singing and singing like crazy. Both the children love learning new songs. It does my heart good to hear them singing songs about the Lord. It's very precious!
Here is a list of songs on this cd. I purchased it for only $3.98.
1. Onward, Christian Soldiers
2. Rise And Shine (Arky, Arky)
3. Zacchaeus
4. Father Abraham
5. I'm In The Lord's Army
6. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
7. His Banner Over Me Is Love
8. Jesus Bids Us Shine
9. O Be Careful Little Eyes
10. Happy All The Time
11. Jesus Loves The Little Ones
12. Isn't He Wonderful
13. One Door And Only One
14. Behold, Behold
15. If You're Happy
16. This Little Light Of Mine
17. Climb,Climb Up Sunshine Mountain