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Showing posts from March, 2009

Family Updates:)

FIrst and for-most, I am 20 weeks pregnant today. Just one more week till I find out whether we're planning for a little boy or girl. That is, if he/she cooperates:) Still lots and lots of movement which is a good consolation. Jonathan is trying to go through terrible's again. Don't think so buddy. We're nipping it in the bud again so as to not have a seriously out of control little dude like my daughter was when she was younger. Other than that, he does pretty well with the chores he has and is getting better all the time. Tonight, while daddy was helping Lyshie, I got out the new little dry erase board we bought for Jonathan at the homeschool convention. He loved that he got to work on his own board while sister and dad worked on the other one. Talk about a sense of pride - in a good way. I can see him learning to write his number very soon while watching sister. Lyshie is growing up into a young lady. It's a slow and painful process for all. lol...

Jon's birthday:)

We had a lovely day despite daddy being gone. I didn't want my little Jon's birthday just passing by. It was such a very nice day here and got over 70 degrees! We went out around 11:30 to DQ for my son's birthday meal where we were able to eat outside. You'll see in the pix that I let them eat dessert FIRST since it was a birthday. This NEVER happens in our house. Next we went to Salvation Army and got some great goodies which I'll post here soon. On to the mall where they had the cutest play area for Jon to play in. He had so much fun. He played on the slide at least 90 percent of the time. Next we went to Target to find him some sandals which we didn't find but we did find Lyshie some Easter sandals. Last but not least, we went to the library. Jon loves all the Veggie Tales movies they have there. There he was able to get a movie he wanted to see and it was a free rental. Yeah! It's so hard to think that our son is already 3 yea...

Household Cleaner Recipes - How Safe Are Your Cleaning Products

When you become a parent you walk down all the “child safety” aisles in the stores. What do most parents pickup? I did a study on a forum I’m on and here’s what the “numbers” show as of 5:12 p.m. today. 75% of mama’s use cabinet latches. This is the most popular used safety feature in these homes. Wouldn’t it be much more safe to make sure what you have in your home is safe to your child if they accidentally get into your cupboard? Our family chooses to use a training program coupled with safe household products. We’ll get into “training” another time. For now let’s focus on the safe household products and a few statistics. Each year, over 1 million children are accidentally poisoned in their homes. 250,000 of these victims are hospitalized. 3,000 of which end up in intensive care. Dozens more actually die. Thousands of children and adults permanent problems and injuries through contact with chemicals in the home, each year. Ok stay at home moms, this ones for you. Breast Canc...

A day of cleaning and singing!

What a fun day. We've decided to take a day off and clean, clean, clean. We've been cleaning out like crazy! If we haven't used it for at least a year, it's going. That of course does not count baby items that we'll need soon. Not too long ago I ordered my sons birthday gift from amazon. Along with it I purchased the Cedarmont Kids Action Bible Songs Cd. We got the shipment today and opened up the cd right away. We've been singing and singing like crazy. Both the children love learning new songs. It does my heart good to hear them singing songs about the Lord. It's very precious! Here is a list of songs on this cd. I purchased it for only $3.98. 1. Onward, Christian Soldiers 2. Rise And Shine (Arky, Arky) 3. Zacchaeus 4. Father Abraham 5. I'm In The Lord's Army 6. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 7. His Banner Over Me Is Love 8. Jesus Bids Us Shine 9. O Be Careful Little Eyes 10. Happy All The Time 11. Jesus Loves The Little Ones ...