I pushed myself 2 weeks ago. Not the kind of push to build more muscle, or the push to get through a hard circumstance. It's not the kind of determined push to make your life better; you know, the kind where you need to just stop being lazy and do it. My body was tired - not the normal tired when you're up too late. This is all consuming in every way. It's physical, it's mental, it's emotional, it's jarring. The kind of tired where you can hardly think, you're body feels like you have the flu and getting up to use the restroom or eat is hard. The kind of tired where your body tenses up for no reason and bumps into a constant mini anxiety attack for the entire day. Where you look down at your hands and notice for the past several hours you've lied there on the couch with your hands in fists because for some reason or another that's the assumed anxious position for my hands. Air hunger is on and off today - has been for day...