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Healthy Food After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

I'm having my very first wisdom tooth extracted Wednesday.  I have a lot of food allergies (corn, soy, wheat, chocolate, lettuce and coffee) and I've been trying to figure out what I can have that will mostly (mostly) stick to my diet.  Most people I talk to eat jello, ice cream and broth.  I wanted a bit more than that so here goes :)

Jello is good one but did you know you can make it out of 100% fruit juice and gelatin?  That keeps it corn free of for me ;)  Martha Stewart has a good recipe that works very well.  Homemade Fruit Juice Gelatin.

Stonyfield Whole Milk French Vanilla Yogurt is def. on this girls list.  You can eat it by itself or make a very yummy smoothie with orange juice, frozen banana and this yogurt.  That way you're also getting a good source of vitamin c.  

Mashed Potatoes - enough said right ;)  If you aren't allergic to corn or wheat, make some homemade chicken gravy up ahead of time too.

Tribe Classic Hummus!  Since I'm allergic to soy there are a lot of brands of hummus I can't have.  Fortunately, I can have this one.

Unsweetened Applesauce cups.  Yep, this one is a given like jello isn't it?  Going unsweetened doesn't mean it's not sweet.  It just means there's no high fructose corn syrup in it.

Broth!  This is probably the most popular I've read about.  But instead of purchasing it at the store and getting barely any nutrients out of it, make it at home a day or two before.  It's super simple to make and very nourishing no matter what state your body is in.  Learn how to make this lovely broth here.

Naked Protein Mango Smoothie.  This is the one thing I'm cheating on when it comes to my allergy diet.  There is soy in this for the protein factor.  But, it's easy to pick up and have ready. There are lots of fruits in this as well.  Having 4 kids and a husband who works a lot, it's important for me to have a couple of these for my sanity ;)

Last but not least Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie.  I freeze very ripe bananas ahead of time.  Throw a frozen banana, some milk and peanut butter in the blender and you're good to go.  Alternatives are alternative milks or water, yogurt, vanilla, etc...  The basic recipe offers vitamins and protein.  You can find the simple version of this here.

So, here's to hoping my recovery is quick.  I don't like the thought of any kind of surgery minor or not.  But I am very thankful for all the posts and information online that helped me put this list together.  

I have some more information posted on my pinterest account under health.  Feel free to visit me there.

Wish me luck ;)


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