How many times have we heard that one; or even said them ourselves? It's true, it really is the little things in life that make my day. Hand picked wild flowers from the kids, someone doing the dishes, a song sang to me or written about me, etc... Those are the things I treasure.
Now, thinking about your kids, do you do those little things for them? Sometimes it's easy for me to think about doing those things for my hubby but overlooking them for my children. I'm around my children 24/7 almost 365 days a year. Sometimes it's easy to over look those small things that my children need as well.
What are some little things that would just make your child's day? Here's some ideas from my kids.
Lyshie age 11:
getting her a game for her gameboy as a surprise
picking her flowers
taking her out for a special treat
special movie night (even at home) with either her brother or mom
lego time with daddy
Jon age 4:
making him mac n cheese
cruisin' with him in the car with his favorite song by Toby Mac
daddy wrestling with him
blowing bubbles with him
You get the idea. Have fun and take a bit of time for those simple things in life that make life worth living.
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love."
-- Mother Teresa