With all the whooping cough info in the media, I thought I'd do some research and figure out what would be best should my children or someone we know and love were to get whooping cough. Hey, this is for you too even if we don't know you :) I thought about what I know about which herbs/foods are best for lung and mucus issues. I then combined that info with researching I did online from other people who have made lovely recoveries with these items. The below information is what I found and will be using if we contract it. Now it is a bacterial infection so if this were to come up for our family, we would be getting the antibiotic. We don't use them often (only for strep so far) but this is one instance we would receive the antibiotic. We would support our body with probitiocs and probiotic food during this time to make sure we restore our gut health. So without further ado, here are some things others have found to be very helpful. Foods t...