"What makes it difficult for us to see the truth about God, I think, isn't his overwhelming immensity but our overwhelming self-centeredness." The most common view of teenagers (and possibly most adults) today is a "Moralistic, Therapeutic, Deism". This means they think that if they are good, God will reward them. They think that God's primary reason for existence is to make them happy. And last but not least, they believe God is distant and uninvolved in our lives. Kind of like we are in charge of where we're heading and God is along for the ride; like He has no influence or should have no say in what we do. Joshua says J.I. Packer also goes on to point out that although God is personal, He's not finite like we are. "Like us He's personal; but unlike us, He is great." I think sometimes we lose fact of this. While we can approach the Lord in prayer, I think we're often in a bad sense like a child. For instance...