I'm a scheduling person; always have been. I've always wanted our evenings to be run on some sort of schedule but was never full pleased with how it worked out. Below is an idea of how I used to have it set up.
Every night:
Dinner at 5
Family devotions following
Library Night
Family Game Night
Family Wii time
Family Reading Night
Family Movie Night
It worked ok but wasn't flexible enough for me. I've really been wanting our kids to also have one on one time with mom and dad separately and was trying to figure out how to do that. Here's what I've come up with.
Family together night. Do something together as a family.
Daddy spends time with boys and mama spends time with daughter.
Family together night. Do something together as a family.
Mama and daddy spend some alone time together and kids do something safe and alone together.
Daddy spends time with daughter and mama spends time with boys.
Lord willing, this will bring us even closer together as a family. We still do dinner and devotions at the same time. 7:00 everyone gets baths or showers and jammies on. Joshie goes to bed by 8:00 and the other kids have some time to cuddle and read with mama before bed. I'm very excited about this change.
Does your family use a schedule that works well? If so, please feel free to post it. I'd love to hear from other families who do this as well.
That looks like a good schedule, Mandi. I have been wanting to make a one-on-one time with the kids, too.
Thanks for the advice.
I am working on my life schedule (thanks to Apple Numbers!), but it is a tedious business.
Do you have a schedule for your teaching sessions?
How do they fit in with your 'fun time' schedule? Also, any advice on tidying schedule?