Today we went to Goodwill again. Thankfully it's only 3-4 minutes from my house. We usually don't find anything for Allysha but this time we hit the jackpot! We got her two pairs of jeans that fit perfect! That in itself is very hard to do. You can see the pretty embellishments in the picture above. We also got her the jean jacket you see in the picture and all the shirts as well as the little dress (which will be worn over pants). The dress, and one of the shirts still had the tags on them! The red hooded fleece jacket I got for myself. I got it a size or two bigger so that I can wear my son in a sling and still put the coat over him. It zips from the bottom up so that I can only zip it up as far as we need to. I'm super excited about that! Last but not least, I got Joshua the little hat and Allysha a picture holder. You know those pretty boards that have ribbon on them and you slip the pictures in? Well I got her one of those. It is purple with butterflies all over it. It will look great in her room. Unfortunately I do not have a picture of that. It went right upstairs in her room.
My grand total was $17.71 which is more than I usually spend but considering one of the coats is for babywearing, another is like new and 2 other things are new with the tags, I didn't much care about the price this time. I think we did good.