Today was so much fun! We headed down to Ann Arbor for some resale shopping and some fun for the kids. This was Joshua's first trip to Ann Arbor and since it was game day we put on his "My Very First Michigan Shirt" - U of M of course! We had to take a picture to commemorate. lol!

Our first stop was Value World - that is where I like to go to find larger amounts of resale clothes for the kids if I can't find them up here. I had a list of things Joshua and Jonathan needed so we headed down. For around $30 we got all you see below. Here's a listing....
Little People Barn with Animals
2 pair jeans for Joshua
1 pair jeans for Jonathan
2 shirts for Jonathan
2 outfits for Joshua
2 sleepers for Joshua
1 sheet for the boys room to make into curtains - it's Disney's Cars
1 pack-n-play sheet for our co-sleeper
1 set of books for Lyshie - they are Misty (the horse) books
2 books for Matt
1 book for me
3 misc. books for the kids
3 puzzles
1 magnadoodle

Next on the list was Jungle Java. I remember my MOPS table going there one day, however Lyshie and I missed it because we were sick. That was 5 years ago when she was only 5 years old. Crazy how big they get! Anyway, my friend Angela reminded me of the location in Ann Arbor and I thought "hey, this would be fun!" You see, we weren't able to have a family vacation this year so I wanted to do something neat for the kids. Well, here it was. As soon as we walked in, Jonathan wanted to take off. So did Lyshie for that matter. It is a bit bigger than my pictures show. It has 4 separate party rooms, a cafe with a good sized eating area, Toddler area, big kid area, even a family bathroom along with the regular ones! I fell in love and so did the kids. I can't count on my hands how many times Allysha said "Oh mom, I'm having so much fun!".

We're now home with my honey resting and getting ready to make some grilled pizza. This day has been just what I needed. Thank you Lord!

Our first stop was Value World - that is where I like to go to find larger amounts of resale clothes for the kids if I can't find them up here. I had a list of things Joshua and Jonathan needed so we headed down. For around $30 we got all you see below. Here's a listing....
Little People Barn with Animals
2 pair jeans for Joshua
1 pair jeans for Jonathan
2 shirts for Jonathan
2 outfits for Joshua
2 sleepers for Joshua
1 sheet for the boys room to make into curtains - it's Disney's Cars
1 pack-n-play sheet for our co-sleeper
1 set of books for Lyshie - they are Misty (the horse) books
2 books for Matt
1 book for me
3 misc. books for the kids
3 puzzles
1 magnadoodle

Next on the list was Jungle Java. I remember my MOPS table going there one day, however Lyshie and I missed it because we were sick. That was 5 years ago when she was only 5 years old. Crazy how big they get! Anyway, my friend Angela reminded me of the location in Ann Arbor and I thought "hey, this would be fun!" You see, we weren't able to have a family vacation this year so I wanted to do something neat for the kids. Well, here it was. As soon as we walked in, Jonathan wanted to take off. So did Lyshie for that matter. It is a bit bigger than my pictures show. It has 4 separate party rooms, a cafe with a good sized eating area, Toddler area, big kid area, even a family bathroom along with the regular ones! I fell in love and so did the kids. I can't count on my hands how many times Allysha said "Oh mom, I'm having so much fun!".

We're now home with my honey resting and getting ready to make some grilled pizza. This day has been just what I needed. Thank you Lord!