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Showing posts from September, 2009

Jungle Java and Thrifty Finds

Today was so much fun! We headed down to Ann Arbor for some resale shopping and some fun for the kids. This was Joshua's first trip to Ann Arbor and since it was game day we put on his "My Very First Michigan Shirt" - U of M of course! We had to take a picture to commemorate. lol! Our first stop was Value World - that is where I like to go to find larger amounts of resale clothes for the kids if I can't find them up here. I had a list of things Joshua and Jonathan needed so we headed down. For around $30 we got all you see below. Here's a listing.... Exersaucer Little People Barn with Animals 2 pair jeans for Joshua 1 pair jeans for Jonathan 2 shirts for Jonathan 2 outfits for Joshua 2 sleepers for Joshua 1 sheet for the boys room to make into curtains - it's Disney's Cars 1 pack-n-play sheet for our co-sleeper 1 set of books for Lyshie - they are Misty (the horse) books 2 books for Matt 1 book for me 3 misc. books for the kids 3...

Thrifty Finds

Today we went to Goodwill again. Thankfully it's only 3-4 minutes from my house. We usually don't find anything for Allysha but this time we hit the jackpot! We got her two pairs of jeans that fit perfect! That in itself is very hard to do. You can see the pretty embellishments in the picture above. We also got her the jean jacket you see in the picture and all the shirts as well as the little dress (which will be worn over pants). The dress, and one of the shirts still had the tags on them! The red hooded fleece jacket I got for myself. I got it a size or two bigger so that I can wear my son in a sling and still put the coat over him. It zips from the bottom up so that I can only zip it up as far as we need to. I'm super excited about that! Last but not least, I got Joshua the little hat and Allysha a picture holder. You know those pretty boards that have ribbon on them and you slip the pictures in? Well I got her one of those. It is purple with butterflies...

Let the schooling begin!

Jon and Allysha - First official day of school. What cheesy grins! Joshua - Just finished nursing on first official day of school. lol! My how times flies. It seems like yesterday my little Lyshie was just starting pre-k at age 4. This year she's beginning the 5th grade and Jonathan is beginning pre-k at age 3 1/2. Crazy how each child is different. For example: Lyshie could color perfectly in the lines at age 4. Jonathan still scribbles all over the pictures with 1/2 year to go. Lyshie could write her name correctly before she turned 4. Jonathan can't write very many letters yet. Lyshie knew her alphabet but was struggling with phonetic sounds at 4 1/2. Jonathan at 3 1/2 knows most of his phonetic sounds. Lyshie could count to at least 50 but didn't know how to group things at age 4. Jonathan can count to 20 but can group well and knows what the numbers actually mean. LYshie was carrying on adult conversations at 4 years old - yes adult conversations....

Grandparents, Planes and Kids:)

This past Friday we decided spur of the moment that we should make the trip down to see my grandparents. It was so much fun! Because of health issues, my grandparents cannot travel up here to see their new grandson. So, Joshua went down to see them. I just love my grandparents so much. I cannot begin to tell you the amazing impact they have made on my life. My Wonderful Grandma Good. My Amazing Grandpa Good. My wonderful husband took our camera with us and got these neat pictures of the kids at my grandparents home. How neat to see them where I used to play! Lyshie with a book from Grandma's bookcase. I thought Matt had such a neat idea with this picture! Here is Lyshie in front of my Grandpa's shop. Oh the hours he'd spend out there when I was a kid. He'd bring out sawdust for me to make a sawdust cake. I would put mud frosting on it and decorate it with flowers. Those were the days! Jon in front of Grandpa's shop. Lyshie on the swing I swu...