I just went out in the garden today to harvest some basil. How lovely! I came in with more than I was expecting. I decided to make pesto and freeze it as well as some basil flavored vinegar. It was such a delight. Now, who wants to come and clean up my kitchen? lol!
I also have some tomatoes right on the verge of being ready as you can see above. Can anyone guess what the blue flowers are from? It's flax - apparantly good for the soil:) I unfortunately only had one plant survive due to either a rodent, a neighbors dog or my children. Who knows.
Back to the basil, when I made the pesto I didn't add the parm. cheese because I read it might not freeze well. I'll just add it in later. I put a generous tablespoon each in a small ziplock bag. I then will put all the little bags into a larger freezer bag and pop them in the freezer. I usually don't use more than a tablespoon at a time so this will be perfect. Below are the recipes if you're interested in making pesto or vinegar yourself.
Basil Pesto
3 cups fresh, washed basil
4 cloves garlic, peeled
1/2 cup pine nuts
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil
Place basil, garlic and pine nuts into the food processor and process till nuts are chopped well.
Add in the olive oil and lemon juice and process till smooth.
Basil Vinegar
fresh basil leaves
white distilled vinegar
Fill a jar loosely with basil leaves (or any other fresh herb of choice). Next fill with vinegar. Close lid and keep in a cool, dark place for 3 weeks, occasionally shaking to incorporate flavors.
Strain and put vinegar in new, clean jar. You can add a sprig of fresh herb for eye appeal if desired.