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Honey and It's Healing Properties

Once we started homeschooling, I really started looking at things differently. We ended up purchasing a Moody Bible VHS on bees which is incredibly fascinating. Here it talked about how there is nothing in the world engineered so well as the bees hive. How the worker bees act as a heater in the winter by doing various things and in the summer act as an air conditioner. Everyone knows their job and does it very effectively. God gave them exactly what they needed in order to survive.

Ok I’m getting a little off subject. Let’s proceed onto the benefits of honey.

First of all, all honey is not created equal. The honey you find in your local grocery store is more than likely not a good supply of honey. What you want to look for is locally grown honey which is very easy to find once you know where to look. It has wonderful nutritional value and is not watered down or sugar added. We get raw honey as we feel this gives the most benefits in it’s very natural state.
Honey acts as an antibacterial and antifungal agent and helps disinfect and speed the healing process in wounds, scrapes and burns. Simply apply a small amount of honey to a clean wound.

Honey speeds up the healing process by stimulating wound tissues.

Honey may also be good for your skin. It has the ability to attract water. You can use honey instead of alpha hydroxy masks because if its high content of the acid. It is also safe for sensitive skin. I have used this many times and have incredibly sensitive skin. When I was finished, my skin glowed. I love using honey as a facial mask.

Daily consumption of honey raises blood levels of protective antioxidant compounds in humans, according to research presented at the 227th meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim, CA, March 28, 2004. Biochemist Heidrun Gross and colleagues from the University of California, Davis, gave 25 study participants each about four tablespoons buckwheat honey daily for 29 days in addition to their regular diets, and drew blood samples at given intervals following honey consumption. A direct link was found between the subjects' honey consumption and the level of polyphenolic antioxidants in their blood.

I will once again say that when we consume things in their natural state, the benefits are overwhelming. I have just shown you a few of the wonderful benefits of using honey. You can visit here as well as search online for honey farms near you. If you live in Michigan, I try to always get our honey from Turtlebee Farms. Not only is the honey the best I’ve had, but the family is absolutely wonderful to deal with.

One more thing to mention that I almost forgot about. Because of the antibacterial properties, it’s actually great for your teeth regardless of the natural sugars in it. So eat up....God has given us liquid gold to sweeten our food. Throw away the bleached yuck and start using honey.


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