I hope your Mother's Day was a wonderful as mine. I felt so much love from my family yesterday. I don't want you to think that I don't every day; however, yesterday they made sure to do all the things that make me feel extra special.
Matt stayed up very late the night before to make me some very yummy cheesecake. He was up till almost 3am! When we got up he made me a breakfast of farm fresh sausage and (store bought) eggs. Unfortunately, my egg was spoiled. We didn't know that till I took my 3rd bite and realized it just was not right. I told him people will ask what I got for Mother's Day and I'll say "food poisoning", rofl! In the midst of there somewhere, Jon had given me his gifts. It was 2 cookie sheets! I have needed these for so long! My only cookie sheet had gotten ruined. What a huge blessing! What a perfect gift coming from our little cook.
We headed off to church, everyone exhausted, but we made it. :) Good service and nice friends. God is good.
On the way home we planned on having Matt grill but he was too exhausted. We ended up going to the Mongolian BBQ. It's so fun making your own special food creations and watching people cook it in front of you. Very fun!
We got home and had some fabulous cheesecake. It was then that Lyshie gave me the card she made me and told me what she was going to make me with daddy's help - a wind chime! I LOVE wind chimes! I can't wait to see it done! I was also told by Matt that he is going to make me a greenhouse! It will be about 6x8 feet. I'm so excited!
Last but def. not least, here is what was in the card I got from my fabulous daughter yesterday. I cried at more than one place.
she made it herself and here is what it said page by page (minus the cover page).
page 1:
Mother's Day
The air is sweet
and filled with flowers
I hope that May
will give us showers.
But there is just no time to play
for tomorrow's name is Mother's Day!
page 2:
This page was a ton of coupons she made for me.
Free special dessert
Free cleaning of your room
Free mopping, dusting and cleaning toilets.
Free book reading (I will read out loud to you)
Free piece of artwork (on whatever topic you want.)
Free bunch of flowers
Free picnic
Double movie pick (have your pick of two movies in a row)
Free girls night (Joshua can come)
Free special time alone with dad
Work free meals (good for only one day).
page 3:
Weather picture for you....
she drew a picture of a tornado (she's really into them right now), then me flying up to save people with a flower on my shirt and the name of Wonder Mom.
page 4:
If there was one thing I would change about my mom, it would be, NOTHING (I really cried here).
page 5:
A picture for you (it was a baby foal)
page 6:
A picture of our family that she drew.
page 7:
I love my mom because...
she's kind
she cares about me
she helps us kids
she teaches us important things
she makes sure we stick with our promise and duties
Makes our food without complaining
and helps when people get hurt.
page 8:
I also love my mom because,
She helps us keep the house clean so no one steps on toys or trips on them.
She helps us with our school.
She always makes up with dad after a fight.
She makes us try to have fun.
And best of all, she loves us.
page 9:
she made me a word search on this page :)
page 10:
Happy Mother's Day (we love you!). It then has a picture of a cake, flowers, a heart and balloon.
page 11:
The end.
I can't think God enough for my children and my husband. They are so dear to me. I hope you all had as fabulous of a Mother's Day as I did. It's so good knowing I'm loved.