Here you will find fun and non-toxic/less toxic recipes for your children. If you have one you’d like us to try out and possibly add, please send your name and recipe to homeschoolingthem@gmail.com Enjoy!
What you need:
2 cups cool water
1/2 cup dish liquid
2 tablespoons sugar or agave nectar
What to do:
-Mix all together very slowly trying to not form bubbles.
-Dip wand in - do not stir.
Depending on the type of dish liquid you use - some can be much more toxic than other’s. I used a natural brand along with agave nectar instead of sugar. I actually purchased premade bubble’s, dumped out the containers, rinsed and used those to put my bubble solution in.
What you need:
1/2 cup salt
5-6 drops food coloring
What to do:
-Mix together 1/2 cup salt and 5-6 drops food coloring.
-Cook in microwave 1-2 minutes or let air dry.
-Store in an airtight container.
Finger Paint - I have not tried this yet but plan to soon.
What you need:
3 tablespoons sugar
1/2 cup cornstarch or flour
2 cups cold water
food coloring
What to do:
-Mix cornstarch and sugar in pan.
-Add water and stir. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly. Mixture will boil, then thicken. -Remove from heat and cool.
-Separate into 4-5 cups and add food coloring one drop at a time.
Add a drop of dish soap for easy clean up.
Paint on cardboard, posterboard or paper.
Ornaments (cinnamon) - My mom used to make these a lot.
What you need:
3/4 - 1 cup applesauce
4.12 oz bottle cinnamon (1 cup plus 2 tablespoons)
What to do:
-Mix together well. Divide into 4 portions. Roll out each portion with a piece of wax paper/parchment paper on top and on bottom of dough. -Cut in desired shapes and put a hole in the top with a straw or similar object to be able to later string some ribbon through.
-Bake at 200 for 2 1/2 hours and cool on wire rack. Let stand 1-2 days turning occasionally.
-String ribbon through hole and knot at the end.
Playdough - I got this from my friend Trudi
What you need:
2 cups water
3 tablespoons oil
2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
1 tablespoon cream of tartar (or alum)
What to do:
-Boil 2 cups water and 3 tablespoons oil.
-Add them to the rest of the above ingredients and mix well.
-Add food coloring and knead like bread dough. Be careful - it’s hot!
*Add more flour if it’s too sticky. This stuff seems to last forever.
Recycled Crayons
What you need:
broken crayons
old muffin tin - used only for crafts - not food
What to do:
-Put small pieces of crayons into muffin tin. Put in an oven that has just been used to cook on (energy saving!). Let melt. -Once melted let cool and pop out.