We have about 1 1/2 months till Christmas. How crazy is that? To be easier on our budget, I try to purchase gifts year round as I see them on sale or for a good price. That also keeps us from spending $100's at one time when we wouldn't have it. I also like to save money where I can. This year one of the $$ saving tips I'm passing along is paper shredding. I got out a huge stack of Christmas scrapbooking paper, folding them in accordion style and shredded them in my paper shredder. I'm using this instead of tissue paper. While it probably wouldn't be cheaper if you went out and bought the paper, it sure was for me because it was just sitting around. You could do the same with any kind of newspaper, or other papers you may have lying around.

My two wonderful children and beautiful nieces 2 years ago for Christmas. How time flies!
I thought I'd give you a peak into what my family does yearly. Here goes....
1. Have a birthday cake for Jesus as well as sing Happy Birthday.
2. Let our kids know the 25th is the day we celebrate even though it is not the actual birth date of our Lord.
3. Bake - we love holiday baking and sharing those with others. Keep checking back as I will be posting some of our favorite holiday recipes!
4. Give each child 1 gift they'll really enjoy, 1 gift for all the kids to share and 1 gift for them to give to someone in need. We also do stockings - that's more for me. rofl! We cut back on gifts a couple years ago and it has been wonderful. The kids really focus on Christ more. My daughter who had gotten many gifts from us before then never had a hard time transitioning. I was so proud of her.
5. Draw names on both sides of our family for our siblings. I think this is a great idea since getting for everyone is just not in the pocket book. However, sometime I hope we can all make things for each other instead. That would be the ultimate for me.
We try to rotate years that we spend Christmas Day with each side of the family. This year it is with my family. I can't wait!!! I've missed at least the last two years with my Grandma and Grandpa Good and it's heartbreaking. Every year as a child I would go to their house on CHristmas Day afternoon/evening and spend the day with them. We never missed a year. They have been such a Godly influence in not only my life but all those around them. How grateful I am to them.
May your Christmas this year not only be filled with fun, good food and gifts, but the joy that only Christ the Lord can bring.