We had a lovely day despite daddy being gone. I didn't want my little Jon's birthday just passing by. It was such a very nice day here and got over 70 degrees! We went out around 11:30 to DQ for my son's birthday meal where we were able to eat outside. You'll see in the pix that I let them eat dessert FIRST since it was a birthday. This NEVER happens in our house.
Next we went to Salvation Army and got some great goodies which I'll post here soon.
On to the mall where they had the cutest play area for Jon to play in. He had so much fun. He played on the slide at least 90 percent of the time.
Next we went to Target to find him some sandals which we didn't find but we did find Lyshie some Easter sandals.
Last but not least, we went to the library. Jon loves all the Veggie Tales movies they have there. There he was able to get a movie he wanted to see and it was a free rental. Yeah!
It's so hard to think that our son is already 3 years old. He is everything we could ask for in a little man. Here's to 3 amazing years with little Jon:)